Just last week I overheard some women espousing the latest diet craze. This particular plan involves injections or drops at a doctor’s office coupled with a 500 calorie per day diet (HCG Diet). The one woman was proudly showing off her new body and praising the program based upon her own success. However, when she was quizzed on what would happen with her diet at the completion of the program the woman indicated there would have to be some modifications to change the way she ate…literally, she would have to change her lifestyle…to maintain her success. I thought about telling her about Isagenix® but I decided to hold my tongue.
I would venture to guess that virtually everyone that is reading this post has attempted to change their eating habits to facilitate weight loss at some point in their lives. There have been times in my own life when I decided to eat nothing but fruits and vegetables for lunch (yeah, right! —that didn’t last long).
There is a reason that the diet industry is as large as it is. Authors keep generating books and the American public keeps buying them looking for the diet plan they can actually stick to for the rest of their lives. Just go to any large bookstore like Barnes and Noble® or Borders® and walk down the nutrition aisle. All it would take is for just a couple of those books to work (Adkins Diet, New York Diet, Mayo Clinic Diet, etc.) and virtually every other book on dieting would cease to exist. Yet there are new diet books popping up every day. I believe a diet book can affect your attitude, but it cannot alter your appetite or taste buds.
If you can’t stick with something for your whole life it is doomed to failure. Eventually you will backslide into your old ways and the weight will come back. What if someone told you the only way to get into excellent physical shape was to run…but you hated running. You may be able to stay with the regimen for a while; however, your hatred of running would eventually overcome your desire to be in good shape.
Isagenix® offers an alternative I have not seen before. It does not ask you to eat only grapefruits. It simply offers a way to deal with the food you do eat so you can efficiently and effectively lose weight. I am not saying you can eat a gallon of ice cream every day and melt off the pounds. I will say though that I am an excellent cook. I still continue to make all the same food that I did when I was much heavier. In addition, my husband and I LOVE to eat out. We still do that too.
I believe that the Isagenix® packs and systems (for example the Isagenix® 9-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System; the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System; or the Isagenix® Total Health and Wellness System) can help you to achieve your health goals just like it did for Rick and I.
If you would like to learn more about how Isagenix® products, packs and systems can help you, then visit my web-site at www.aalthoff.isagenix.com or call me at 614-477-1794.
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