Sunday, March 13, 2011

Balance is the Key for Optimal Nutrition

As we get into the third and fourth months of the New Year, we see all those New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy and lose weight start to wane.

We all know that the average American gains seven pounds from Thanksgiving through New Years. We’ve even hopelessly coined the phrase, “The Seasonal Seven”. So we make a resolution January 1 to take off the weight, but most of us don’t keep it.

What is it that keeps us on this vicious cycle of gaining and losing? This perpetual existence of over indulging and then severely inhibiting our lifestyles is more than unhealthy; it's damaging. Why can’t the resolution stick and be a permanent change of health as opposed to an everlasting, never-ending restriction of food and choices, which consistently are sabotaged by the beginning of February?

In this fast paced world with smart phones and iPads and easy access to always being connected, we want the quick fix. We are the nation of the quick fix and the fast fix. So if something doesn’t give us that instant gratification the idea and the method are abandoned and off we go to bigger and better things… hopefully.

It’s not that we are always making bad choices, it’s that the choices we have are so limited. Our foods have become nutritionally bankrupt.

There are two main problems with food today and we must examine the changes in our food consumption in terms of type and quality since the 1950s:

· Some food is not really helping our body and may be harming us (Supersize it, residual toxins).

· Food no longer includes all the essential nutrients our bodies need to function correctly.

In essence we need to rebalance our bodies nutritionally. We need to remove the toxins and give our bodies a fresh start while flooding them with the organic essentials to help balance our pH and restore homeostasis. When our bodies are balanced internally and they can function the way they were meant to function the goals we have for health will more rapidly come to fruition. And we can all benefit from a constant, consistent intake of balanced nutrition rather than the rollercoaster of indulgence versus restriction. And what are the results of a truly balanced, optimal nutrition?

Energy Boosts

Consistent weight loss over time

Reduced cravings for unhealthy foods

Improved muscle tone

Balanced digestion

Better sleep

Better mood

Aim for balance in your life in all aspects – Isagenix can help. Moderation and variety are the keys. And remember this is not a diet. This is optimal nutrition to be healthy for life.

To learn more about my Nutritional Rebalancing Program with Isagenix, please email ANGELA at for her personal username and password and the best place to review the program. 10 minutes of your time is worth a lifetime of abundant health and balance.

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