Harvard University researchers have predicted that within the next 40 years Americans will hit a 42% obesity rate (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6A35SO20101104). Something has to be done and I am trying to lead that mission of informing as many people as I can. I enjoy getting information out there for you to review and make informed decisions best for you.
We must consider addressing these recent findings. As Americans we have become much more accepting of excessive weight and obesity simply because it has become so prevalent. Also, I realize it is infinitely more difficult to critique someone else’s problems when you share that same problem or have similar bad eating habits and weaknesses.
I attend and teach multiple group fitness classes during the week. I do this to accomplish several things. First, I am a workout junkie. I got my ACE Personal Training, BodyPump, Cycling and Primary Group Fitness Certifications for a reason. My ultimate goal is to train and help others with health and wellness. Daily, I watch others to see how they change during their journey to lose weight – personal visual field research if you will. If they don’t lose weight, I find myself questioning why from afar. Ultimately, I would like to not be watching from afar, but being trusted and helping hands on. I know I will never know it all; however, the more information I have the better position to open a conversation with someone about health and wellness, which is most important to me; the health of my family and close friends fall into a similar category.
The second reason I find myself at the gym so often is due to a desire for full accountability. I do not mean that I wish to hold others accountable; rather, I wish to surround myself with people who will hold me accountable and let me know when I am not living the life I wish for…a life of health and strength. So what does this all have to do with effective weight loss, effective weight control and fitness? The very first line of the article states, “Americans will keep growing fatter until 42% of the nation is considered obese, and having fat friends is part of the problem…”
Essentially, the researchers determined that your friends are a reflection of you and visa versa. If you hang out with people that drink too much then you need to ask yourself if you drink too much as well. Likewise, if your friends are obese then eating may become an issue in your life. Maybe it is already. It is very hard, if not impossible for an alcoholic to stay clear of his/her demon if all their friends meet at a bar. The same is true for you if you have difficulties with your weight and all of your friends meet at the desert bar.
Because our national weight problem is getting worse, things will become exponentially more difficult for people with weight challenges. There are fewer people out there that take their weight seriously, so the relational support systems are disappearing. The study showed that “…an American adult has a 2% chance of becoming obese in any given year, and each obese social contact increases the risk of becoming obese by .5% per year.
So what is the solution? The first step is to find a weight loss and fitness program that you can do. Personally, I know through over 150 testimonials the Isagenix® 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System or the 9-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System may be the path to a thinner & healthier you. It certainly was for my immediate family and me. However, if your friends and family are constantly challenging your efforts by offering you candy, chips and soda then that path will be filled with landmines that may undermine your success.
The second step is to make a choice. Either extricate yourself from that social circle (this is very difficult I know), or decide to be the example. Tell your friends or family that you are seeking their support or organize a “Biggest Loser” contest. Working toward the same goal with others holding your accountable is extremely motivating!
Challenge each other, support each other and go for the gold! Run the race like you want to win it! If you would like more information then you can visit our website at www.aalthoff.isagenix.com or call me at 614-477-1794.
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