Several weeks ago I was asked about the best strategy for maximizing weight loss in the gym. It should be obvious to everyone reading this post that despite the amazing potential for Isagenix® products, systems and packs to help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals, your success can be expedited and enhanced by a well planned workout regimen. What I have discovered…Drum roll please…is that there is currently no consensus that can lead you to one specific workout plan to maximize weight loss. Virtually every source seems to have a different opinion as to what will lead to the greatest success. With that said, there is some information available that can help you make some better personal choices on how to utilize your time in the gym. Ultimately, everyone seems to say that weight loss success in the gym is a great experiment unique to each individual. I can suggest some things you can try to discover what best works for you. Remember, these suggestions are assuming your goal in the gym is to facilitate weight loss while improving your level of fitness.
Both cardio and weight training have their pros and cons when integrated into a fitness regimen. Most sources suggest that you should ensure adequate energy exists to make it through an effective workout routine. Therefore, you may consider splitting your cardio and weight training so these workouts occur on separate days. Another suggestion is to combine the two specialties with interval or circuit training, which give a full body workout. Weight lifting often burns more calories per minute than performing endurance exercises. Furthermore, muscles require energy, i.e. the more muscle you have, and the more fat you will burn. However, you will most likely fatigue more quickly if you focus entirely on weight training in a workout. This, once again suggests that a combination of cardio and weight training is the best strategy (combined with good nutrition of course!).
So should cardio occur at the beginning or the end of your workout? Many sources suggest it is better to do cardio first and then lift weights when your desire is to increase weight loss. Yet cardio has a tendency to deplete the body’s carbohydrate stores. Therefore you are eliminating the fuel your body needs to get in a good weight training routine. Too much cardio can also be a bad thing as you may find your body burns muscle to ease the demands of doing too much aerobic work. We should then pay attention to the “Hierarchy Scale of Energy”. If you understand how your body burns fuel, then you may be able to build a workout that best serves your fitness desires.
The human body accesses certain nutrients for energy in the same way and in the same order every time.
1. Muscle Glycogen—Sugar processed from carbohydrates and stored in muscle for contraction.
2. Liver Glycogen—Storage organ for excess Glycogen; this is the primary fuel source for brain function.
3. BBA (Blood Borne Amino Acids)
4. Fat
As you can see fat is the last thing to go. Ultimately Perry NIckelston in his article Smart Cardio to Burn Fat suggests the following framework to help reach your weight loss goals (Smart Cardio to Burn Fat, Nickelston, Perry, Articlesbase.com, September 23, 2008).
1. 5-minute cardio warm-up
2. 30 minute weight training routine (This will eat up #1-3 on the hierarchy scale)
3. 15-20 minutes of cardio to now hit the fat reserves
The last consideration is heart rate and I will address this in my next post. If you would like to find out more about how Isagenix® can help you to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals when coupled with a strong workout regimen you can contact us through our web-site at www.aalthoff.isagenix.com, or by calling 614-477-1794.
Don’t forget, new members enroll for FREE until December 31st, and all new products packs get a FREE before and after BodPod assessment until December 31st too.) Happy Holidays!!
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