Friday, April 26, 2013

Les Mills 21-Day Challenge Days 2 - 4

If you would like to do the Les Mills 21-Day Challenge you can find instructions at

For those you don’t know, I attempted the program and on day eleven I got sick and had to stop. Today is day FIVE! 

This second time around has been actually a little more difficult. I think I had my mind set to complete this program in full, and I had the support of other instructors doing it with me. There are others doing it with me (members of Flow Studio), but I am not privy to their experiences all the time like with my fellow instructors.

During my time in between my first attempt and this attempt, I went back to eating all of the bad things that I love and gained a few pounds in the process. It is AMAZING how hard it is to lose and how easy it is to gain. After this program, I do plan on going to the BodPod so that I can determine if any muscle was lost during the process instead of fat. Maintaining my muscle tone is very important to me not only for my health, but to maintain my bone density as I age.

Also, I am having more of an issue with food preparation. It seems I am constantly cooking something, so this coming Sunday I plan on making some advanced meals for Monday and Tuesday. I had one day with a rather large mess up, but I got right back on track the next day. Well, enough chatter…. Let’s get to the nitty gritty details.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Exercise: Taught 45 minutes of RPM

Food: Stuck to the program 50% today. YES! It was kind of bad at dinner…

Meal 1: IsaLean French Vanilla Shake, Ionix Supreme, Cleanse for Life, Want More Energy and IsaOmega with IsaCrunch

Meal 2: Two organic cage free hard boiled eggs, a few bites of yogurt, thumb size of avacado, and some raw veggies

Meal 3: Laura’s Lean Beef Ribeye and steamed veggies

Meal 4: Two organic cage free eggs, 1 Isagenix Slimcake, and raw almonds

Meal 5: Parmesan crusted chicken, steamed broccoli, 3 mozzerella sticks, and half a pitcher of Jeremiah Red Beer! L

- Under my calories needed by 189 calories
- Under my carbs needed by 87 g
- Over my fat needed by 40 g (Mozzerella Sticks!!)
- Under my protein needed by 22 g
- Over my fiber needed by 1 g (must have been the beer ha! )
- Over my sugar needed by 15 g

Weight: Same in the morning
Waist Size: Same in the morning

Bad Influences Encountered: Well, I rarely see my husband, Rick, due to work and other obligations. On this evening, he was off work and we decided to go out to dinner at BJ’s Brewhouse

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Exercise: My day off, no exercise

Food: Stuck to the program 85% today. I added some carbs. My body was screaming for them.

Meal 1: Three Private Selection Free Range Organic Eggs, two slices of Brownberry Whole Grain Bread

Meal 2: One Private Selection Free Range Organic Egg, Chicken salad with lots of veggies: cucumber, tomatoes, red leaf lettuce, colored peppers (yellow, red and orange), 3 tsp of Isagenix IsaCrunch

Meal 3: One Private Selection Free Range Organic Egg and veggies

Meal 4: Chicken breast, raw almonds, baby carrots, colored peppers (all colors), broccoli, tomato, and Isagenix IsaCrunch

Meal 5: Canned premium chunk chicken breat (one can) and steamed mixed veggies, Keeble Toasteds crackers (5)

- Under my calories needed by 449 calories
- Under my carbs needed by 63 g
- Over my fat needed by 19 g (Today was freakin EGG Day)
- Over my protein needed by 17 g
- Under my fiber needed by 2 g
- Over my sugar needed by 14 g

Weight: Same in the morning
Waist Size: Same in the morning

Bad Influences Encountered: Had plans to go to dinner with friends, but a freelance project came up. Since I have been having a hard time sticking 100% to the program, it’s probably best that I was not able to go. WHEW! Disaster averted.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Exercise: Taught 1 hour of BodyPump…. WOW! BodyPump 85 is a challenging release. GREAT workout!! My calves were even sweating!

Food: Stuck to the program 90% today. I added some carbs. My body was screaming for them.

Meal 1: IsaOmega Supreme/Cleanse for Life/Ionix Supreme supplements, Isalean french vanilla shake, IsaCrunch

Meal 2: One Private Selection Free Range Organic Egg, tomatoes, chicken breast, baby raw carrots, olive oil

Meal 3: One can of premium chunk chicken breast, IsaLean bar, Jack Link’s teriyaki beef steak, slimcake (no veggies)… I ran out and need to go to the store! AAAHHH

Meal 4: Sirloin steak, broccoli, house salad with bacon

Meal 5: Chicken breast steamed mixed veggies and broccoli, raw almonds and 4 keebler toasted crackers

- Under my calories needed by 819 calories
- Under my carbs needed by  123g
- Over my fat needed by 20 g
- Over my protein needed by 22 g
- Over my fiber needed by 4 g
- Over my sugar needed by 24 g (my supplements)

Weight: Down 2 pounds
Waist Size: Didn’t measure just yet

Bad Influences Encountered: Invited out for beers, but declined to have one and only stayed for 10 minutes. Had dinner with my web designer, but luckily I was very good at dinner. Applebee’s has some really GREAT options!

Make sure you check out the commonly asked questions at:

If you need specialized nutritional guidance or help contact Flow Studio's Health and Wellness Coach (Teresa Harlow) at or (740) 972-1116

Visit for more information on Flow Studio's Elite Group Fitness Classes. 

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